Steel Magnolias

Left to right: Michelle Bynum, Linda, Tiffany Barber

I had the privilege of meeting Michelle Bynum and her sister, Tiffany Barber, for lunch before departing on our Egypt trip. The best way I can describe these two amazing sisters is a pair of Steel Magnolias. Tiffany plays the role of encourager, caretaker, manager, advocate among many others. It is an amazing sister bond that reminds me of Nancy Brinker’s (founder of Susan G. Komen) story. Tiffany, like Ms. Brinker, is not one to accept status quo. She talked of her dream to start a foundation to help & support women stricken with cancer that would assist them with the daily chores & routines of life that have to continue no matter if mom/wife is ill. Tiffany balances this crusade for her sister while managing her own family with two young children and husband. Like I said - amazing!

Although in great pain, Michelle drove in the pouring rain so that she could present me with the Michelle’s Angels T-shirts (look for them in the Egypt race!) Tears filled her eyes as she looked at all the names in our “pink journal” who are battling this disease with her. In the short time with Michelle and through pain so strong she could hardly speak at times, her fabulous personality still shone through full of humor, commitment to family and God, and intense compassion for others. I saw her face light up as she spoke of her past careers. Although she has worked in high-tech fields, the most rewarding times were teaching life skills to special ed students and now seeing them in the Georgetown area out working and being successful; or the rewards of hanging out at Starbucks with a group of girls that have now graduated college, but was under Michelle’s influence as a Jr. High cheerleader sponsor where she helped to mentor them.

In Michelle’s words, “It’s important to leave footprints and to give to others.” Five minutes with this Steel Magnolia and you will leave with all kinds of footprints and impressions on your life. I know from experience and leaves all of us with the question…"What kind of footprints am I leaving?”

Click on our link to Michelle’s Angels to read about the team Tiffany has formed for the Austin race on November 1. Look for Michelle and her angels leading the many footprints on race day!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle and Tiffany were so pumped when they heard what you two were doing and then when they got to meet you they were excited beyond words. You both are bring awareness to a part of the world that needed it badly. You both are indeed "Michelles Angels." You are leaving footprints and you are remarkable. Michelle has improved tremendously and she is very proud of you both. Our family is honored to have you both there doing what you are doing on behalf of Komen and Michelle.
    LaWann Tull
    Michelle and Tiffany's Mother
    12 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
