The Melting Pyramid

Christina & Mohammed at the Nile
Linda sewing comfort heart pillows
Dinner at Ambassador Scobey's residence
The group sewing!

This evening we attended an outdoor dinner hosted by the US Ambassador to Egypt, Margaret Scobey, at her residence at the US Embassy to celebrate the success of the Race for the Cure and accomplishments of the regional advocates and US Delegates. Dr. Shaalan was in attendance with a huge smile on his face as he thanked the many people who helped make this week a reality. The Department of Protocol had assigned our seating with various embassy personnel and regional advocates mixed in with the US Delegation and Komen staff. The table discussion was very interesting as we heard about the Americans who live in Cairo and work at the US Embassy. One even had a daughter attending UT in Austin! Ambassador Scobey was so warm and invited some of us in her residence to see her art collection from various artists focused on the Mississippi River. The Ambassador is from Tennessee so this art collection was her Nile River of the USA. She surprised everyone after dinner with a special dessert – a pyramid of strawberry ice cream! On our way to dinner, we made a stop at the Cairo Museum for a private tour. It was surreal as we were the only people in the museum filled with ancient artifacts and mummies. The King Tut artifacts are breathtaking. The traveling version of the King Tut display is small compared to the vast amount of artifacts that were found in his tomb. We were then led into the mummy room filled with the famous ancient mummies that have been discovered in the Valley of the Kings, including Rameses II and Queen Hatshepsut. It was so fascinating and we could have spent days in the museum, but we had to move along so that we would not be late for dinner at the Ambassador’s house.

We returned to hotel and then went to the Delegates Workroom to do a little sewing on our heart pillows that we were delivering to the hospitals on Monday. The staff had all the supplies set up so that we could stop in during any free time to work on this project. We stuffed and finished piles of pillows during the week and it was a fun time to gather with our new friends, some even learning to use a needle and thread for the first time!

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